Education and professional designations:
Directors Education Program (ICD.D designation), ICD-Rotman, 2016
Project Management Professional (PMP), Project Management Institute, 2005
Bachelor of Commerce (Marketing & Finance), McGill University, 1995
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Vote for me: An experienced corporate director and seasoned executive leader, I bring strategic thought, financial acumen and a passion for people and culture to the board room.

What are the special attributes and experience that make you a strong candidate for Calgary Co-op’s board?

I am an experienced Human Resources Committee Chair and long-time champion of equity and diversity. I bring deep understanding of capital-intensive and highly regulated industries, including developing and executing corporate strategy. I have provided oversight to execution of billions of dollars of large infrastructure investments, both public and private. I am financially literate, having led the investor relations function at TransAlta. My connection to community is also important to me, as is evidenced in my long-time involvement with AIESEC, a global youth leadership movement focused on international exchange. I presently Chair AIESEC International’s Supervisory Group and am a recipient of a Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee Medal (Alberta) in recognition of significant contributions to the province.

Why do you want to serve on the Calgary Co-op Board of Directors?

Community is important to me. Calgary Co-op is an integral part of the Calgary community and my local neighbourhood. I recently retired from a full-time executive role, and want to continue to use my skills and contribute to that community. I am seeking to do so at the board level with an organization whose values align with my own. Calgary Co-op is such an organization.

Cast Your Vote

Have your say! Voting is open until 11:59 PM MST March 13, 2024.