Supply Chain Accountability

Calgary Co-op and its subsidiaries are prioritizing the assessment of forced labour and child labour within its supply chain. Through our processes we hold our suppliers accountable to adhere to our standards to protect workers’ rights across our supply chain.

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At Calgary Co-op committees form the backbone of our governance model. The Audit, Governance, Human Resources, Investment and Nominations Committees all provide oversight to the Board’s most complex areas.

The Audit Committee maintains oversight over the financial reporting, internal controls, risk, and internal and external auditing. This typically involves reviewing the financial integrity of Calgary Co-op’s financial statements and financial reporting, and ensuring all financial reporting complies with applicable accounting principles and regulatory requirements. Internal audits may be also completed to find opportunities for improvement.

Committee members:

Mike Dalton – Chair

Victoria Bradbury

Ken White

Dominique Gregoire

The Governance Committee ensures the Board adheres to best practices and high standards in its governing processes and decision making as appropriate for a co-operative of our size. Over the years, this committee has developed structures and processes to ensure effective Board governance and oversight of Calgary Co-op. The Governance Committee will provide direction for an effective and safe Annual Meeting of members, strategic guidance for board operations including oversight of the director election, board role optimization, new director orientation, board and committee performance assessments, as well as board succession planning. The Governance Committee reviews Calgary Co-op’s bylaws and Code of Conduct for alignment and current relevancy to our co-operative.

Committee members:

Bryan Walton – Chair

Gael MacLeod

Elliot Bridgewater

Victoria Bradbury

The Human Resources Committee has oversight on matters like:

  • Calgary Co-op’s relationship with the CEO,
  • Human resources policies and plans,
  • Health and safety,
  • Benefits and compensation plans
  • Labour relations and collective bargaining
  • Succession planning.
  • The Human Resources Committee may review and recommend goals and objectives relevant to the performance and compensation of the CEO, as well as compensation and benefit plans for executive management, management, as well as non-union, non-management employees.

Committee members:

Dominique Gregoire – Chair

Elliot Bridgewater

Miranda Keating Erickson

Bryan Walton

The Nominations Committee oversees Calgary Co-op’s nomination and election process on behalf of the Board. The Nominations Committee aims to attract qualified members to run for election to the Board and to identify applicants who can best fill any skills gaps on the Board. Calgary Co-op seeks to maintain a Board comprised of talented and dedicated directors with a diverse mix of expertise, experience, skills and backgrounds.

Committee members:

Elliot Bridgewater – Chair

Mike Dalton

Gael MacLeod

Miranda Keating Erickson